Using Blackboard:

In addition to communication-related features such as Discussion Boards, Blackboard courses may provide a variety of activities for students. These activities can include submitting Linked Assignments, writing a Blog post, writing a Journal post, contributing to a Wiki, and taking Quizzes. Feedback is provided for many of these assignments in the Blackboard Gradebook and students can check their grades at any time.

Linked Assignments

Linked Assignment Icon Linked assignments are "linked" to the Blackboard Gradebook. Your instructor may write comments for you to read after he or she evaluates your assignments. You can view their comments are available in the Blackboard Gradebook. To learn more about linked assignments, explore the Blackboard Linked Assignment Tutorial.


Blog IconA blog is a "web log" or web journal. It is a collaborative tool that provides a way for you to post your personal reflections about the course material or other writing activities determined by your instructor. To learn more about blogs, explore the Blackboard Blog Tutorial.


Group IconA Blackboard Group enables a group of students to collaborate with each other in a private group area that may include a variety of features (including a discussion board, blog, e-mail, file exchange, journals, task list, and wiki) determined by your instructor. To learn more about groups, explore the Blackboard Group Tutorial.


Journal IconA journal is a self-reflective tool that provides you a place to post your personal reflections about the course topics. To learn more about journals, explore the Blackboard Journal Tutorial.


Wiki IconA wiki is a collaborative tool that provides you a way to contribute and modify one or more pages of your online course materal. To learn more about wikis, explore the Blackboard Wiki Tutorial.

Quizzes and Tests

Quiz IconSome instructors have a separate course folder or area for quizzes and tests. Other instructors place quizzes directly in each course module or section. There should also be some descriptive text underneath the link to the quiz. Explore the Taking a Quiz Tutorial.

Check Your Grades

Grades IconMost instructors use the Blackboard gradebook to record your course grades. Your instructor will inform you of their grading policy. Linked assignments, quizzes, and test results are automatically stored in the gradebook by Blackboard. You can access your course grades at any time to check your progress. Explore the Blackboard Gradebook Tutorial.