Computer Skills:
E-mail Attachments

Sending an E-mail with an Attachment

  1. Sign in to your Harper Student Portal at

  2. GmailClick the E-mail icon located at the top right side of your portal page to access your free Harper email account.

  3. Type the information for your message as usual. Be sure to follow instructions provided by your instructor for the subject of the e-mail. Usually it is a good idea to include the course number in the subject. Also, include your name in the body of the e-mail message.

  4. Now, click the Attach link.


  5. The Browse button displays.

    Attach files Browse button

  6. Click the Browse button. Navigate through your drives to locate the file to attach. Click Open.

  7. If you need to attach another file, click the Attach another file link.

    Attach another file

    Then navigate to the file and click the Open button.

  8. When you are ready, click the Send button.


Viewing an E-mail Attachment:

  1. Sign in to your Harper Student Portal at

  2. Click the Email icon located at the top right side of your portal page to access your free Harper email account.


  3. Your Inbox will display. A small paperclip icon paperclipdisplayed after the message subject indicates an attachment.

  4. Open the e-mail message as usual by clicking on either the Sender or the Subject.

  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the e-mail. You will see the file name and several options for opening the file, as shown in the image below.
    Choose a method to open the file
    • View as HTML will display a version of the document in a web page.
    • Open as a Google document will display the document within Google Docs, Google's web-based document sharing application.
    • Download will download a copy of the file to your computer.

  6. Click Download. The File Download dialog box displays, as shown below.

    File Download dialog box

Do one of the following:
  • If you do not trust the sender or are not expecting the attachment, think carefully before opening or saving the attachment. (Click the Cancel button to stop the download.)
  • To open and view the attachment, click the Open button.
  • To save the attachment, click the Save button to save the file to your computer.

Computer Skills: E-mail Attachments Tutorial Text Version (pdf)