Computer Skills:
Computer Skills Check

How are your computer skills?

You may be on Twitter and Facebook all the time but you might not have the computer skills needed to be successful in an online courses. This survey will help you determine if you need to brush up your computer skills. Choose one answer for each question.

Computer Skills Check Survey

1. Can you start up, reboot, and shut down a computer?

2. Can you start and quit a program stored on the hard drive?

3. Can you save and retrieve files to and from a portable drive or the hard drive?

4. Can you cut/copy text from one source and paste it into another?

5. Can you open, close and minimize menus and windows?

6. Can you move windows around on your desktop?

7. Can you resize windows on your desktop?

8. Can you create folders?

9. Can you navigate a directory structure to find files?

10. Can you rename files?

11. Can you delete files?

12. Do you have typing skills to produce at least 30 to 40 words per minute?

13. Can you create a word-processing document using
      the various editing and formatting features?

14. Can you print a word-processing document?

15. Can you use spell- and grammar-checking to revise your work?

16. Do you know how to connect to the Internet?

17. Do you know how to retrieve and deleteĀ e-mail messages?

18. Can you create, send, forward, reply and save e-mail messages?

19. Can you distinguish between an e-mail address and a web address?

20. Can you send group emailings?

21. Do you know how to post messages to discussion forums?

22. Can you locate and access information using an
      Internet search engine such as Google?

23. Do you know how to check the credibility of Internet resources? ?

24. Can you use 'chat' features for real-time communication on the web?

25. Are you familiar with and do you abide by standard acceptable etiquette on the net?

26. Can you locate and use information resources such as online catalogs, databases,
      ebooks, and streaming media available within a library or media center?

27. Can you download and configure your web browser with plug-ins such as
      Adobe Flash Player and use the bookmark features of your browser?



Used with permission of College of DuPage